четвъртък, 10 юли 2014 г.

Why I Made This Blog? Motivation and Helpers

Hi guys!

I'm Rossye and this is my blog. I guess you are wondering why I made this blog and what it will contain. Two months ago I started to dream how nice it would be to have a blog, to write about things I like and enjoy doing. Awhile back I didn't know anything about blogs and bloggers.
But 5 months ago my friend Antoinette made a blog (http://www.letterstoa.com/ ). In it she writes about fashion, travel, healthy eating...an explosion of posts about her amazing life. And do ypu know what her having a blog did? Through it she motivated me to lose weight, to be nice, to use more kind words. Thanks to her and her lovely blog I now know a lot about the world and life. She is the one that inspired me to do this blog. LTA is such an inspiring, unique and life-changing blog. That is my motivation!

And who are the helpers?
My classmate and friend Emily helps me with some pictures, translations and how to use certain words. Emily and Antoinette are my idols. I'm trying to emulate them. Because Emily is my classmate I have more of an opportunity to talk with her. Through Emily I have learned a lot of things but I'll tell you about them in another post.
One of my most important helpers is Sarah! I met her on Twitter. She owns her own business with her sister. Sarah helps me with my English posts. She checks whether they are grammatically correct or not.

So...you understand why I made it, who motivate me, who helps me, who are some of the most important people in my life!
Thanks to everyone who read my first post!
On Monday you'll fully understand what I'll write in my blog. I will talk about things you may not know about yet!

I wish you a wonderful day!!!

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